M. Prokhorov
Ivan A. Shcherbakov,
ALT Conference Chairman
The annual International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT) was established in 1992 by the Nobel Prize Laureate Alexander Prokhorov, director of the General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
There are two principal ideas of this international event. First of all, it brings
together presentations on fundamental and engineering technological aspects of laser technologies research along with their applications in various areas (materials processing, laser medicine, photonic devices, systems for process control, etc.). Thus the conference has become an important and well recognized Forum for both researchers and engineers. Second, Russian scientists, in particular from General Physics Institute (www.gpi.ru), play an prominent role in the organization of ALT meetings, and typically an essential part of the conference attendees represent former Soviet Union states. This fact together with the tradition that each year the ALT Conference takes place in a new country place gives a unique mixture of specialists and thus a possibility of making new personal contacts and exchanging scientific and technological data and ideas between different scientific schools.
The 3-4 days Program includes top-level plenary talks that outline the new trends or summarize extensive research results and are accompanied by invited, oral and poster presentations.
The key topics of each meeting are slightly varied. Depending on the current trends, the new topics appear while some traditional areas of R&D become less popular. At present ALT Conferences are focused on laser–matter interaction, surface and bulk materials engineering, ultra-fast phenomena, laser systems and diagnostics, biophotonics, and THz technologies.
ALT Conferences took place in Russia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, China, Hungary, Finland, Turkey, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Portugal, Ireland, Korea, Spain.
We are glad to announce that the member of ALT International Program Committee Valery Tuchin
became the laureate of the Vyzov ("Challenge") National Prize for future technologies in 2024. |
The prize in the category "Scientist of the Year" was awarded to Valery Tuchin for his outstanding cumulative contributions in the field of life sciences, as well as in the new interdisciplinary field of knowledge and technology — biophotonics, and for developing the technique for optical clearing of the biological tissues.
On behalf of ALT Program and Organizing Committees we congratulate the legend of biophotonics Valery Tuchin on receiving this very honorary and well-deserved award. There is no doubt that his personal contribution to changing the landscape of science and technology in Russia and worldwide is very significant!